Friday, September 27, 2013

Chapter 8 - Historical Fiction

            Historical fiction allows us to see into experiences from people and events of the past while also getting to see the author’s personal spin or understanding of it. These pieces of literature tell a story of the past where the characters could have or did exist, the setting is authentic, and the plot is believable. Historical fiction is also when an author writes about their own experiences that can be beneficial for students as well. These are generally firsthand accounts even thought they are written in a fictional format. Both help a reader to understand and connect with history and historical events.
            Textbooks are not always effective in making connection between people and the past. Historical fiction consists of imaginative stories grounded in the facts of the past. The benefits of exposing students to historical fiction literature are that historical information is presented in a way that engages students to a sense of realism which they can understand. Historical fiction books can teach any portion of history. Although textbooks provide a sequential highlighting of history over time, historical fiction books provide more insight to specific events.
            I was never a great fan of history, much less reading historical fiction books. I could never really relate to the time or people in history, so it was difficult to understand anything to do with history. One thing I did become interested in was reading and learning on the Holocaust. I became interested when we were given historical fiction books to read on the Holocaust. We didn’t only read textbooks but I had the opportunity to read a book that I could relate to more and learn at the same time. I think it is great to use historical fiction as an  addition to history lessons as it brings history to life and to some it brings it to life in a more engaging way. When using this type of literature in the classroom, I think a lot of discussion is beneficial. It helps create a deeper comprehension and also allows students to present their personal feelings regarding it.
Historical Fiction Books for your Classroom Library

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