Friday, November 15, 2013

Everyone's story matters!

I love this book! The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore is about a man who loved to read and write. All day of everyday he would read a book or writing in one. One horrible day a strong wind came by and ruined all of his books, then his world turned colorless. He looked up and saw a colorful women hanging by an umbrella of books! She brought him to this place filled with books where he could read for days, months, and years about anything. He started to get older and grew tired of the books he was reading. When he realized it was time to go he said goodbye to the books, but that wasn’t the last person to stop by the place Mr. Lessmore had left. After Mr. Lessmore was gone a little girl arrived and she began to read the story of Mr. Lessmore which took her through his journey of life! I especially like the part in the book where Mr. Lessmore is sharing books with others. He says “Everyone’s story matters”, no matter how big or small the books may be. This is a great way to tell students that no matter how big or small the book about them might be it still matters!

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