Friday, November 15, 2013

Olivia Saves the Circus

I love Olivia Saves the Circus as a picture book and read aloud. Olivia tells her own story about saving the circus during her turn to tell the class about her vacation at school, all of which comes from her vivid imagination. Olivia, as the little confident pig that she is, always loves to be the center of attention. She then begins to tell her story about her day at the circus. Her story of course describes how all the performers were out sick with ear infections, but luckily she knew how to do everything! She tells her class that she tamed lions, walked on tightropes, performed on stilts, juggled, and rode a unicycle. She also becomes a clown, she swung high on the trapeze and becomes the Queen of the Trampoline. After telling her story she is very proud of all that she had done at the circus, but the teacher had her doubts!
This book is excellent for children ages 3-7. It captures their attention with the great pictures and the great imagination of the witty little pig Olivia. Students are sure to enjoy this great book as I did!

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